PASS para todos: Usuario-RamMSLipK
The Matrix -Music From The Motion Picture [1999]
01.Rock Is Dead by Marilyn Manson
02. Spybreak (Short One) by Propellerheads
03. Bad Blood by Ministry
04. Clubbed To Death (Kurayamino Mix) by Rob Dougan
05.Prime Audio Soup by Meat Beat Manifesto
06. Leave You Far Behind by Lunatic Calm
07. Mindfields by TheProdigy
08. Dragula (Hot Rod Herman Remix) by Rob Zombie
09. My Own Summer (Shove It) by Deftones
10. Ultrasonic Sound by Hive
11. Look To Your Orb For The Warning by Monster Magnet
12. Du Hast by Rammstein
13. WakeUp by Rage Against The Machine
The Matrix -Original Motion Picture Score [1999]
01. "Main Title/Trinity Infinity"
02. "Unable to Speak"
03. "ThePower Plant"
04. "Welcome to the Real World"
05. "TheHotel Ambush"
06. "Exit Mr. Hat"
07. "AVirus "
08. "Bullet-Time"
09. "Ontological Shock"
10. "Anything Is Possible"
The Matrix - Complete Score [1999]
Disco 1
01 One Little Girl
02 Follow The White Rabbit
03 I Can Guide You
04 Unable To Speak
05 We Think You're Bugged
06 No One Can Be Told
07 Welcome To The Real World
08 The Answers Are Coming
09 This Will Feel A Little Weird
10 A Sense Of Irony
11 I Know Kung-Fu
12Show Me
13 Morpheus Is Fighting Neo
14 Don't Think You Are
15 Whoa
16 Woman In TheRed Dress
17 Sweepin' In Quick
18 Ignorance Is Bliss
19 We're In
20 Really Good Noodles
21 There Is No Spoon
22 Smell Good, Don't They_
23 Deja Vu
24 They're In The Walls!
25 YouAll Look The Same To Me
26 Noooooo!
27 Don't Hate Me, Trinity...I'm Ju
Disco 2
01 I Believe I Can Bring Him Back
02 You Are A Plague, And We...Are
03 Guns, Lots Of Guns
04 You're Going To Tell Me, Or You
05 Please Remove Any Metallic Item
06 Freeze!
07 There Is No Spoon.
08 I Repeat, We Are Under Attack!
09 Tank, I Need A Pilot Program Fo
10 Do You Believe It Now, Trinity_
11 They're Not Out Yet...
12 Neo, I Want To Tell You Somethi
13 He's Beginning To Believe
14 Mr. Wizard, Get Me The Hell Out
15 Goodbye...Mr.Anderson
16 He Is The One
17 I'm Going To Show These People
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The Matrix - Reloaded [2003]
Disco: 1
01. Session -Linkin Park
02. This Is The New Sh** - Marilyn Manson
03. Reload - Rob Zombie
04. Furious Angels (Instrumental) - Rob Dougan
05. Lucky You - Deftones
06. The Passportal - Team Sleep
07. Sleeping Awake - P.O.D.
08. Bruises - Unloco
09. Calm Like A Bomb - Rage Against The Machine
10. Dread Rock - Oakenfold
Disco: 2
01. Main Title - DonDavis
02.Trinity Dream - Don Davis
03. Teahouse - Juno Reactor Featuring Gocoo
04. Chateau - Rob Dougan
05. Mona Lisa Overdrive - Juno Reactor/Don Davis
06. Burly Brawl - Juno Reactor vs. Don Davis
07. "Matrix Reloaded" Suite - Don Davis
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The Matrix Reloaded - The Complete Score [2003]
Disco 1
01. main title
02. trinity dream
03. enter the nebuchadnezzar
04. smith at the door
05. furious angel
06. smith vs. smith
07. free flight
08. wonder of zion
09. the lascivious lift
10. link and zee
11. morpheus on the mont
12. goodbye zion
13. the bane trans matriztion
14. first i must apologize
15. tea house
16. the industrial highway
17. oracle oratory
18. purpose that created us
19. burly brawl
20. burly brawl (alt)
21. multiple replication
22. the council of cool
23. meeting merovingian
24. niaiserie
25. choice is an illusion
26. sample this!!!
Disco 2
01. meet the keymaker
02. some skill
03. chateau
04. chateau swashbuckling
05. double trouble
06. mona lisa o distinguirdrive
07.truck vs. truck
08. the proyecto
09. solución término flight of the vigilant
10. kill the kaymaker.
11. doddering old fool
12. the problem is choice
13. windowsswitch
14. neo miraculous
15. no more nebucadnezzer
16. contusion conclusion
Matrix - Revolutions [2003]
01. Logos/Main Title (01:21)
02. The Trainman Cometh (02:43)
03. Tetsujin (03:21)
04. In My Head - Pale 3 (03:46)
05. The Road To Sourceville (01:25)
06. Men In Metal (02:18)
07. Niobe's Run (02:48)
08. Woman Can Drive (02:41)
09. Moribund Mifune (03:47)
10. Kidfried (04:49)
11. Saw Bitch Workhorse (03:59)
12. Trinity Definitely (04:15)
13. Neodämmerung (05:59)
14. Why, Mr. Anderson? (06:10)
15.Spirit Of The Universe (04:51)
16. Navras (09:08)
The Matrix Revolutions - The Complete Score [2003]
Disco 1
01. Logos/Main Title (01:21)
02. Nothing But Blue Pills (00:39)
03. AK, Colt And Mauser (01:20)
04. Our LitOvens (00:40)
05. Oracle Debacle (01:39)
06. The Trainman Cometh (02:44)
07. The Trainman Goeth (01:50)
08. Sin, Toil, Extra Vermouth (03:23)
09. The Road To Hell (03:24)
10. Time's Up (01:08)
11. The Road To Sourceville (01:25)
12. He Is You (01:35)
13. The First Goodbye (02:33)
14. The All-Knowing Oracle (03:09)
15. The Logos Location (04:10)
16. It's Crazy Zee (01:08)
17. Das Banegold (04:16)
18. The Bane Revelation (04:06)
19. The Smith Within Us (06:06)
20. Men In Metal (02:18)
21. Niobe's Run (02:16)
22. The Breach (01:58)
23. Boom Hilda (02:54)
24. Die Brünett Walküre (02:14)
Disco 2
01. Mjolner Mastication (01:15)
02. Charra Broiled (01:32)
03. Woman Can Drive (02:44)
04. Moribund Mifune (03:53)
05. Kidfried (04:53)
06. To Our Snivel (01:31)
07. Neovision (03:21)
08. Saw Bitch Workhorse (03:59)
09. Trinity Definitely (04:14)
10. Deus Ex Machina (05:06)
11. Neodämmerung (05:59)
12. Why, Mr. Anderson? (03:29)
13. Spirit Of The Universe (03:50)
14. Bridge Of Inmortality (02:26)
15. For Neo (02:54)
16. Navras (09:06)
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The Matrix -

02. Spybreak (Short One) by Propellerheads
03. Bad Blood by Ministry
04. Clubbed To Death (Kurayamino Mix) by Rob Dougan
06. Leave You Far Behind by Lunatic Calm
07. Mindfields by The
08. Dragula (Hot Rod Herman Remix) by Rob Zombie
09. My Own Summer (Shove It) by Deftones
10. Ultrasonic Sound by Hive
11. Look To Your Orb For The Warning by Monster Magnet
12. Du Hast by Rammstein
13. Wake

The Matrix -

01. "Main Title/Trinity Infinity"
02. "Unable to Speak"
03. "The
04. "Welcome to the Real World"
05. "The
06. "Exit Mr. Hat"
07. "A
08. "Bullet-Time"
09. "Ontological Shock"
10. "Anything Is Possible"

The Matrix - Complete Score [1999]

Disco 1
01 One Little Girl
02 Follow The White Rabbit
03 I Can Guide You
04 Unable To Speak
05 We Think You're Bugged
06 No One Can Be Told
07 Welcome To The Real World
08 The Answers Are Coming
09 This Will Feel A Little Weird
10 A Sense Of Irony
11 I Know Kung-Fu
13 Morpheus Is Fighting Neo
14 Don't Think You Are
15 Whoa
16 Woman In The
17 Sweepin' In Quick
18 Ignorance Is Bliss
19 We're In
20 Really Good Noodles
21 There Is No Spoon
22 Smell Good, Don't They_
23 Deja Vu
24 They're In The Walls!
25 You
26 Noooooo!
27 Don't Hate Me, Trinity...I'm Ju
Disco 2
01 I Believe I Can Bring Him Back
02 You Are A Plague, And We...Are
03 Guns, Lots Of Guns
04 You're Going To Tell Me, Or You
05 Please Remove Any Metallic Item
06 Freeze!
07 There Is No Spoon.
08 I Repeat, We Are Under Attack!
09 Tank, I Need A Pilot Program Fo
10 Do You Believe It Now, Trinity_
11 They're Not Out Yet...
12 Neo, I Want To Tell You Somethi
13 He's Beginning To Believe
14 Mr. Wizard, Get Me The Hell Out
15 Goodbye...Mr.
16 He Is The One
17 I'm Going To Show These People
Un solo

The Matrix - Reloaded [2003]

Disco: 1
01. Session -
02. This Is The New Sh** - Marilyn Manson
03. Reload - Rob Zombie
04. Furious Angels (Instrumental) - Rob Dougan
05. Lucky You - Deftones
06. The Passportal - Team Sleep
07. Sleeping Awake - P.O.D.
08. Bruises - Unloco
09. Calm Like A Bomb - Rage Against The Machine
10. Dread Rock - Oakenfold
Disco: 2
01. Main Title - Don
03. Teahouse - Juno Reactor Featuring Gocoo
04. Chateau - Rob Dougan
05. Mona Lisa Overdrive - Juno Reactor/Don Davis
06. Burly Brawl - Juno Reactor vs. Don Davis
07. "Matrix Reloaded" Suite - Don Davis
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The Matrix Reloaded - The Complete Score [2003]

Disco 1
01. main title
02. trinity dream
03. enter the nebuchadnezzar
04. smith at the door
05. furious angel
06. smith vs. smith
07. free flight
08. wonder of zion
09. the lascivious lift
10. link and zee
11. morpheus on the mont
12. goodbye zion
13. the bane trans matriztion
14. first i must apologize
15. tea house
16. the industrial highway
17. oracle oratory
18. purpose that created us
19. burly brawl
20. burly brawl (alt)
21. multiple replication
22. the council of cool
23. meeting merovingian
24. niaiserie
25. choice is an illusion
26. sample this!!!
Disco 2
01. meet the keymaker
02. some skill
03. chateau
04. chateau swashbuckling
05. double trouble
06. mona lisa o distinguirdrive
08. the proyecto
09. solución término flight of the vigilant
10. kill the kaymaker.
11. doddering old fool
12. the problem is choice
13. windows
14. neo miraculous
15. no more nebucadnezzer
16. contusion conclusion

Matrix - Revolutions [2003]

01. Logos/Main Title (01:21)
02. The Trainman Cometh (02:43)
03. Tetsujin (03:21)
04. In My Head - Pale 3 (03:46)
05. The Road To Sourceville (01:25)
06. Men In Metal (02:18)
07. Niobe's Run (02:48)
08. Woman Can Drive (02:41)
09. Moribund Mifune (03:47)
10. Kidfried (04:49)
11. Saw Bitch Workhorse (03:59)
12. Trinity Definitely (04:15)
13. Neodämmerung (05:59)
14. Why, Mr. Anderson? (06:10)
16. Navras (09:08)

The Matrix Revolutions - The Complete Score [2003]

Disco 1
01. Logos/Main Title (01:21)
02. Nothing But Blue Pills (00:39)
03. AK, Colt And Mauser (01:20)
04. Our Lit
05. Oracle Debacle (01:39)
06. The Trainman Cometh (02:44)
07. The Trainman Goeth (01:50)
08. Sin, Toil, Extra Vermouth (03:23)
09. The Road To Hell (03:24)
10. Time's Up (01:08)
11. The Road To Sourceville (01:25)
12. He Is You (01:35)
13. The First Goodbye (02:33)
14. The All-Knowing Oracle (03:09)
15. The Logos Location (04:10)
16. It's Crazy Zee (01:08)
17. Das Banegold (04:16)
18. The Bane Revelation (04:06)
19. The Smith Within Us (06:06)
20. Men In Metal (02:18)
21. Niobe's Run (02:16)
22. The Breach (01:58)
23. Boom Hilda (02:54)
24. Die Brünett Walküre (02:14)
Disco 2
01. Mjolner Mastication (01:15)
02. Charra Broiled (01:32)
03. Woman Can Drive (02:44)
04. Moribund Mifune (03:53)
05. Kidfried (04:53)
06. To Our Snivel (01:31)
07. Neovision (03:21)
08. Saw Bitch Workhorse (03:59)
09. Trinity Definitely (04:14)
10. Deus Ex Machina (05:06)
11. Neodämmerung (05:59)
12. Why, Mr. Anderson? (03:29)
13. Spirit Of The Universe (03:50)
14. Bridge Of Inmortality (02:26)
15. For Neo (02:54)
16. Navras (09:06)
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